The 8th Annual WXNA Halloween Food Drive 2016!

The 2016 Food Drive has been extended to Halloween Night! The Food drive benefits Capital Area Food Bank. We are very fortunate to live in a neighborhood like Walnut Crossing. Let’s keep our little community strong by getting out on Halloween night to celebrate Trick or Treat in Walnut Crossing. While your out stop by 12105 Scribe Dr. to help us collect non perishable food to help feed those less fortunate. The Food Drive boxes are on the porch and food can be dropped off at any point during the rest of October and on Halloween Night.

Drop your donation of non perishable food items to 12105 Scribe on before or on October 31st.

Have a safe and very Happy Halloween!

This year Walnut Crossing has joined with Milwood to host the Teal Pumpkin Project. If your child has food allergies or special needs that prevent them from being able to receive candy on Halloween but would still like to experience the joy and wonderment of Trick or Treat in Walnut Crossing, they can! Houses that display a teal pumpkin will also be offering non candy treats for those kids who are Trick or Treating that have food allergies.

If you would like a Teal pumpkin plaque for your house or a teal pumpkin sticker for your child to wear identifying them as needing a non candy treat stop by the Milwood Library after Wednesday October 19th. A display will be at the front where you can pick them up. If you will be providing non candy items or candy in conjunction with non candy you can sign up to be added to the list of houses. If you are looking for houses that are providing non items you can refer to the list to know what houses are participating. While your out enjoying the sights and sounds of Halloween look for the Teal Pumpkin cut outs posted on houses. You can also refer to Milwood’s list of houses if you would like to venture over Amherst as well to add more non candy Trick or Treat opportunities for your child. Milwood Teal Pumpkin House list.

Here is the 2016 list of houses in Walnut Crossing and Milwood that are offering non candy treats for the Teal Pumpkin Project.

Walnut Crossing
3201 Spaniel Dr.
12321 Danny Drive
12105 Scribe Drive
12000 Scribe Dr
4606 Adelphi Ln
5127 Ganymede
5101 Ganymede
5103 Ganymede
4300 Kilgore Ln
4106 Kilgore Ln
4609 Sidereal dr
4514 Sidereal
4502 Sidereal
12010 Trianon Lane
12010 Trianon Ln
12412 Coronet #A
4809 Pelham Dr
3808 Tattershall ln
12105 Saxony lane
12319 Bedrock Trail
12212 Arrowwood Dr
12005 Saxony Lane
12012 Cabana Ln
5014 Miss Julie Lane
4301 Cavern Springs
4900 Hawkhaven Lane
3801 Tarragona Ln
12420 Turtleback Lane
4211 Dauphine drive

Have a safe and very Happy Halloween!