This year the neighborhood wide garage sale will be held on Saturday, April 22nd 2017. Walnuts who are signed up as hosting garage sales appear on the map. If you didn’t sign up and decide to host one, feel free to piggy back on the advertising. Community garage sales bring in greater traffic than hosting alone, the more the merrier! However those not signed up will not appear on the map. Get out Saturday, meet neighbors and find that special something you’ve been looking for or didn’t even know you needed on the Walnut Crossing Garage Sale Trail!
Residents hosting garage sales:
3603 Tyrone Dr
12319 Danny Dr
3404 Gable Dr
3302 Spaniel Dr
12018 Scribe Dr
3506 Gable Dr

Easter 2017

Howdy Walnuts! Grab your Easter basket and favorite dish to share for the 6th annual Walnut Crossing Easter Egg Hunt and Potluck brunch. Saturday April 15th 11:00AM-2:00PM 12105 Scribe Dr. located next to the park and bluebonnet patch. All ages welcome and even if you don’t have kids, stop by to join the festivities. This is a potluck brunch affair so feel free to bring your favorite picnic food for the table. Hot dogs will be served off the grill. Looking forward to a bunny hopping good time and seeing y’all there!
*If you would like to contribute to the WNXA wildflower project feel free to bring a packet of wildflower or native seeds to add to the patch!
posted on behalf of -Von Hornburg
WXNA Executive “In Training”